Volume 6: New Hampshire Bound

        Well, after a grueling year and a half delay I have decided to continue blogging (for anyone interested). I have a lot of catching up to do so bear with me. Rural New York was one of the most beautiful areas we had driven through on our journeys. With the recent escapades in Chicago; the busy streets and constant commotion of the big city, the rolling hills of western New York state were a breath of fresh air. Which also made up for the fact that our van, which was our only means of transportation was turning off constantly. Through prayer and persistence we finally made it to New Hampshire. The beauty of this trip is that by providence the church we attended for 9 years was having a meeting on the weekend before we would be holding the tent revival for The Last Reformation. So a lot of us from TLR would be there the weekend that Outreach church would be holding a meeting in the same location. It was a beautiful time of worship and unity of two different streams converging. There would be differences in approaches to the Gospel but the same Master. So seeing the body come together like that was an absolute encouragement.

    We set the tent up once Outreach had left and were ready for the coming tent revival. We had persecution though, within the lutheran denomination they actually baptize as infants. They also claim that that is the believers baptism. But obviously babies are unaware of their sin as well as their need for a Savior. So when the message of Acts 2:38 came to a predominant lutheran community there was indeed some pushback. We actually had to hold a public forum for the area to address some of the concerns. This was mid covid as well and the police chief from Chicago called the police chief in New Ipswich to let him know we were coming. There was obvious fear involved so that created an issue all by itself. I literally had a local couple call me a terrorist for coming. It was insane! The tent revival was full of people getting delivered, baptized and encountering Jesus in a way that some have not. We helped with worship, security and Hannah worked on the coffee bus. It was a wonderful time where Jesus was glorified and many people were set free.
    Once the event was over everyone was enjoying an afternoon cookout on a nice sunny day. There were presumably a few clouds overhead but all in all a nice day. Then within twenty minutes it started to rain, then the wind kicked in, all of a sudden we found ourselves making our way to the tent that was still up for cover. But the rain and the wind did not stop, it only intensified. Then it started hailing and lightening. I am not exaggerating, the lightning seemed like every other second all around the tent. We all started praying as we saw the tent move overhead violently. There was food and chairs flying everywhere from the wind. There were a lot of children under the tent and I was a bit nervous to be honest. The situation seemed to get worse and worse so I decided to go get our van to get my family out of there. So I ran about a stones throw away from the tent to get the van. I pull up beside and get out to get my children and Hannah. My two girls make it to the van and I look back to see Hannah had not come. She told me later she couldn't leave all the other people in there. I yell to her to come from outside the tent and just as I do the tent literally slams down on EVERYONE! Then it flies off literally carrying one person and throwing them into the TLR moving truck. Right in front of me I see a mass of bodies lying in front of me. It looked like a war zone.

The picture doesn't show the true chaos of the moment. The tent had hit my wife who was holding our son and caused her to roll a few times. She was able to walk away to the van and I got all of them safely inside of the building that we all met in during the revival. Bless the Lord no-one was seriously injured. A few concussions and some scraped legs and arms but God protected us through what was seemingly a very evil storm. It came out of nowhere on a bright sunny day and wreaked havoc in about a 10 minute span of time.

    Once everyone was taken to safety Hannah actually took a ride to the hospital to check her out at the recommendation of the EMS. We did and she turned out to be just fine. The crazy thing is that the person who reached out to us actually got hit the worse! Making me think the enemy was not pleased with what God had done that weekend. We are in a fight in this world. We have a very real God who has made every opportunity for us to know Him. Jesus came into the world to save us. He died on the cross to bear all of our sins, there is forgiveness of sins through His wonderful Name. If we will only come to Him, give Him our lives and lay everything down. Jesus said "whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, but whoever gives up this life for His sake will find it leading to life eternal." We also have a very real enemy whose main goal is to keep all of creation from knowing the God of love. The lake of fire is prepared for the devil and his angels and all who don't obey the Gospel of Christ. But God is not willing that any should perish but that all would be saved!

    Our journey was just starting from this small town in New Hampshire, our plan was to go back to North Carolina with TLR but we found out that God had something different in store for us.

    Check out the video above to see how the tent falling unfolded and how God protected all who were there. Feel free to click the link below to give to our cause. Blessings!

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